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The first person in the Frank family to be called up by the SS was Margot Frank, Anne Frank's older sister.

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Q: Who is the first person in the frank family to be called up by the SS?
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Who was the only person left in the anne Frank family?

Otto Frank, her father.

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Who died first in the Frank family?

anne frank's mother Edith Frank hollander

Who receive the call up notice in the diary of anne frank?

Anne Frank's family received a call-up notice for her older sister Margot Frank to report for deportation to a labor camp in Germany. As the entire family would likely be taken if Margot went, they went into hiding in the secret annex in Amsterdam.

What was anne franks sister called?

Anne Frank's sister was called Margot Frank. She was also a Jewish girl who went into hiding with her family during the Holocaust.

Who were the people hiding Anne frank and her family?

i am very fun-loving person i am taker a kids with family .,

Who of the Franks was the first to be called up?

Margot Frank received her call-up notice on Sunday, July 5, 1942. The next morning, the Frank family "vanished", having made preparations for this eventuality.

Did Anne Franke die first?

Yes, Anne Frank died in March 1945 at the age of 15, while her diary was found after her death.

What was the Frank family dentist called?

If you mean like the Anne Frank family, the dentist who went into hiding with them was called Fritz Pfeffer. Whether or not he was the family's actual practising dentist I am unsure, but I'm assuming you want to know about the dentist who was in hiding with them.

What was the name of the person who published Anne Frank diary?

Otto Frank, Anne Frank's father, the only living member of the family, published the book when he found it.

What were annes family names?

Anne Frank's Family members were: Anne Frank (of course) Margot Frank (pronounced Margo, Anne's sister) Edith Frank (Anne and Margot's mother) Otto Frank (Anne and Margot's father, the only person to live after the concentration camps) Hope this helped!!

Which pronouns signal first-person point of view in The Diary of Anne Frank?

The pronouns "I," "me," and "my" signal first-person point of view in The Diary of Anne Frank. Anne Frank uses these pronouns to express her thoughts, feelings, and experiences throughout the diary.