Sharon M. Draper and Larry Draper have been married since 1970.
Sharon Draper's husand's name is Larry. Larry Draper.
Sharon Draper adopted her daughter and then became a grandmother when her daughter had a child. Adoption is one way to become a parent without giving birth.
Sharon Draper's children are Kelli and Langston.
she has 4 kids
Sharon draper died in 1993 Boi
Sharon M. Draper has not publicly disclosed the names of her siblings.
Sharon mills draper was born on April 11 1952
There is no verified information indicating that Sharon Draper has passed away. Sharon Draper is a renowned author and educator known for her young adult novels, such as "Out of My Mind" and "Tears of a Tiger."
Sharon Draper was a teacher in Ohio before she started writing her books.
There is no public information available about Sharon M. Draper having pets.
Sharon M. Draper's parents are Victor Mills and Catherine Mills.