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He believed that the proletariat (the masses) would seize control of the means of production. This belief, according to Marx is indisputable and scientific. It is a process, according to Marx, that cannot be altered based on his studies in human history and practical economics. Marx did not take into account true human history. Class struggle is not the only means by which history develops.

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Karl Marx predicted that the working class, known as the proletariat, would seize control of production from the ruling capitalist class, known as the bourgeoisie, through a revolution that would establish a socialist society.

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Q: Who did Karl Marx predict would seize control of production?
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Who did Karl marx predict would seize control of productiom?

Karl Marx predicted that the working class, known as the proletariat, would seize control of the means of production from the wealthy capitalist class, known as the bourgeoisie. This would lead to the establishment of a classless society where resources and industries are owned collectively by the workers.

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After the revolution of the proletariat, the working class is expected to seize control of the means of production, leading to the establishment of a classless society where the state eventually withers away. This would result in a system where resources are distributed more equally and individuals are free from exploitation.

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Marxism: From the ideas of Karl Marx that became influential in Europe in the late 1800s. Believed workers would eventually revolt, seize control of the factories, and overthrow the government.

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Karl Marx would likely agree with statements that advocate for workers' rights, the abolition of private property, the establishment of a classless society, and the idea that the economic system shapes social relations and institutions. Marx was a proponent of socialism and believed in the need for the working class to seize control of the means of production.

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Karl Marx would likely disagree with the statement that capitalism is the best economic system as he believed it perpetuated inequality and exploitation. He would also likely take issue with the idea that class struggle is not a key driver of historical change, as he believed in the importance of class conflict in shaping society.

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No, it would cause the engine to run poorly but not to seize. Lack of lubrication or overheating will cause that. Also a broken part, as in a rod, will cause it to seize.