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Edgar Allen poe

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Yvonne Aburrow

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5mo ago

E. E. Cummings wrote the poem "Galosheslessness is foolishness when sharply slants the rain".

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Q: Which Poet wrote Galosheslessness is foolishness when sharply slants the rain?
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It means what I did when I wrote my brother. I chose my words ill - and it expressed foolishness. I was the fool and the word, poorly chosen, had become my messenger.

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That would be Charles Dickens. My favorite author. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of enlightment, it was the age of foolishness." Yes Dickens wrote it and it is the openning line to the book, "A Tale Of Two Cities".

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Plato wrote The Republic. However we need to be a bit careful about the use of the word 'ideal'. If you read it carefully, there are several passages where he is being humours, going through a line of argument leading to some heavy tongue in cheek outcomes. Too many people have taken all this literally and come to wrong conclusions that he wanted a police state, when he was in fact using satire to expose foolishness and show that he in fact opposed authoritarian rule.

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(he/she wrote) - kirjutas ; (i wrote) - kirjutasin ; (they wrote, you wrote) - kirjutasid

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Wrote is a past tense verb.I wrote a play.He wrote her a letter.They wrote and drew on the sidewalk with chalk.

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