Aesop's Fables are a collection of some of the most well known fables from Greek storyteller, Aesop. You can find various books with these fables or for an online source see the link below. See also WikiAnswers related questions.
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The fables are called 'The Aesop Fables'. A weird name Aesop.
A fable is a type of story. Aesop's fables are the fables invented by the famed fabalist Aesop.
Fable and Fable 2
Aesop was a slave and could neither read nor write. All his fables come down to us through oral traditions.
Fables mean animals, so the fables are all fiction here.
Æsop's Fables are probably the most famous collection of them.
Generally in fables there is a moral lesson to be learned.
Aesop is the author of esophagi fables.
Allegedly Aesop.