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The name Maya Angelou comes from two very different sources. "Maya" is actually a nickname that her brother, Bailey Jr, used for her. "Angelou"is a variation of the last name of her first marriage, Angelos. Her birth name was Marguerite Ann Johnson.

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15y ago
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3y ago
Wow thank you. Did not expect that!
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5mo ago

Maya Angelou changed her name from Marguerite Annie Johnson to Maya Angelou in the 1950s, upon embarking on her career as a singer and dancer.

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16y ago

Maya's real name is Marguerite her nickname is Maya her brother Bailey gave it to her.

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11y ago

Maya Angelou became famous for her great songs that she write and poems and great directing and producing

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11y ago

She was called my-a-sister from her bro and became Maya, and Angelou came from her husband, Tosh Angelos.

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12y ago

Maya angelou got her first name because she was born with it Maya is actually her nickname

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11y ago

Her brother used to call her "mine" then "My-a". And Angelos is her 1st husband's last name.

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12y ago

Her brother, he used to call her my sister because he couldn't pronounce margaurite. over time he started calling her Maya sister and the name just evolved from there

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