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In biblical tradition, Japheth is a character known as one of Noah's sons, and his descendants are often associated with Indo-European peoples, specifically those who settled in Europe and western Asia. The term "Japhetic races" has been used historically to refer to this group.

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Q: What would be considered to be the race's of Japheth?
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Who was the biblical brother of Ham and Shem?

The biblical brother of Ham and Shem was Japheth. They were the sons of Noah, who were said to be the ancestors of the three main races of humanity according to the Bible.

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A group which differentiates relatives of Shem, Ham and Japheth. Although made of relatives of Shem and Japheth, which is where aryans derive.

What are the races of Japhet and Ham from the Bible?

In the Bible, Japheth is traditionally considered the ancestor of European peoples, while Ham is viewed as the ancestor of African peoples. These racial identifications are based on interpretations of biblical genealogies and historical accounts. The Bible does not explicitly categorize people into distinct races as we understand them today.

When was Japheth Kimutai born?

Japheth Kimutai was born in 1978.

Who were shem ham and japeths wives?

The Bible doe not say.No, but there are other scriptures that do.From the book of Jubilees:Wife of Noah - Emzara, daughter of Rake'el, son of MethuselahWife of Shem - SedeqetelebabWife of Ham - Ne'elatama'uk or Na'eltama'ukWife of Japheth - 'AdatanesesRecall the sons of Noah were the Patriarchs of the world's races. Shem married an oriental woman and moved to the Holy land, gave birth to the S(h)emites - Semitic races of the middle east. While Ham travelled to the south with his Ethiopian wife and raised his family in Egypt and northern Africa. Japheth's wife was Caucasian (from the Caucasus Mountains) and traveled north raised his family.

How did Noah bless Shem and Japheth?

Gen:9,26 &27 made Canaan slaves to Shem & Japheth

What does japheth mean?

May he expand.

Do you call descendants of Noah's son Japheth Japhethites?

The location of the sons of Japheth is an important task of identifying the nations of the world and the blessings given to Japheth by God through Noah. The sons of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras. The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah. The sons of Javan: Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. From these the coastland peoples spread. These are the sons of Japheth in their lands, each with his own language, by their families, in their nations. When broadly referring to all the descendants of Japheth, yes, Japhethites is the correct term.

Who was Noah's second son?

Some would say 'Ham' is the middle or second son between Shem and Japheth.

What was japheth?

I believe he was one of Noah's sons...

Are the Japanese descended from Shem Ham or Japheth?

Possibly Shem , Japheth. because they have many tradition that very similar to Jewish's tradition and a lot of words! But they could descended from japheth too , the DNA test found that they have a liitle caucasian blood.