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People in hiding with Anne FrankOtto Frank

Edith Frank

Margot Frank

Hermann van Pels (born March 31, 1898)

Auguste van Pels (born September 9, 1900)

Peter van Pels (born November 8, 1926)

Fritz Pfeffer (born April 30, 1889)

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10y ago
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5mo ago

The seven individuals who hid with Anne Frank in the secret annex were her parents, Otto and Edith Frank, her sister Margot Frank, the van Pels family (Hermann, Auguste, and Peter), and Fritz Pfeffer.

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16y ago

The other family was the Van Pels family. Anne called them the Van Daan family in her diary. The members of the van Pels family were: Mr. and Mrs. Van Pels and their 15 year-old son Peter. They came into hiding with the Frank's July 13, 1942. They had a cat named Mouschi

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12y ago

Anne Frank hid from July 6, 1942 to August 4, 1944 with the following people:

Her mother, Edith Frank

Her father, Otto Frank

Her sister, Margot Betti Frank

From the Van Pels family (or the Van Daans, as Anne called them)

The father, Hermann Van Pels

The mother, Auguste Van Pels

And their son, Peter Van Pels

In November 1942, a dentist named Fritz Pfeffer joined the hiders.

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13y ago

Otto Frank (father), Edith Frank-Hollander (mother), Margot (sister), Hermann van Pels, Aguste van Pels, Peter van Pels, and of course, Anne Frank were the first original people to go into hiding, but were later on joined by Fritz Pfeffer.

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11y ago

Van Daan's, Frank's, Dussel, and Mr. kraler

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12y ago

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Q: What were the names of the 7 hiders Anne Frank was hiding with?
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Did the hiders of Anne Frank die?

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Who gets pregnant in the diary of Anne Frank?

Nobody in the hiding place gets pregnant in the "Diary of Anne Frank". Remember that the diary is actually a real dairy, telling the story of Anne Frank, her fellow hiders and family before they died in the Nazi concentration camps (apart from her father). It is not a novel, or just a film or play.

Who did Anne Frank have to go into hiding with?

Anne Frank had to go into hiding Margot Frank, Otto Frank, Edith Frank, Mrs. Van Dan, Mr. Van Dan, Peter Van Dan, and Dussel (The names are the ones used in the Diary of a Young Girl)

In which country was Anne Frank hiding?

She was hiding in the Netherlands.

How old was Anne Frank when she went into hiding?

Anne Frank went into hiding soon after her 13th birthday. She was born on June 12, 1929 and went into hiding in July 1942 . After two years in hiding the group was betrayed and transported to concentration camps. Seven months after her deportation, Anne Frank died of typhus. Source:

What grad is Anne Frank in?

anne frank was in grade six when she went out hiding

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How did Anne Frank get food when in hiding?

Anne Frank's dad's workers miep and this other man would bring them food when they were in hiding.

Who is the ruler that put Anne frank and her family into hiding?

No Ruler. It was Otto Frank, Anne's father, who put himself and his family into hiding.