

Best Answer

"The Poverty of Philosophy" and "The Communist Manifesto," "Die Deutsche Ideologie, all written with Friedrich Engels and "Das Kapital", which was his own work but edited by Engels.
"The Communist Manifesto" which was co-authored by Friedrich Engels is his most well known work - below is a link to a partial bibliography .

2nd answer

  • Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, 1843
  • On the Jewish Question, 1843
  • Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, 1844
  • The Holy Family, 1845
  • Theses on Feuerbach, 1845
  • The German Ideology, 1845
  • The Poverty of Philosophy, 1847
  • Wage-Labor and Capital, 1847
  • Manifesto of the Communist Party, 1848
  • Grundrisse, 1857
  • A Contribution to the Critique of Political Econom
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6mo ago

Some of Karl Marx's most notable works include "The Communist Manifesto" and "Das Kapital." "The Communist Manifesto" outlines his views on class struggle and the need for a socialist revolution, while "Das Kapital" delves into his critique of capitalism and the exploitation of workers.

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11y ago

Karl Marx's most famous, and most misunderstood, work is best known simply as "Capital", which analyses the various dynamics and social forces at work in the system of capitalism. It was published the same year as another epoch-making author, Charles Darwin, published "The Origin of the Species". Marx, however, wrote many treatises, polemics, and other works before and after "Capital" - many of which were the basis of, or expande and explained the highly analytical approach used in "Capital". These works include "The Communist Manifesto", "The Poverty of Philosophy", "The 18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon", "Critique of the Gotha Program" and many others. After his death Fredrick Engels was able to publish additional volumes of Capital, analysing surplus value, rent, and other capitalistic phenomena, simply from working off Marx's copious and detailed notes - which themselves were published many years after Marx's death under the title "Grundrisse".

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10y ago

Some of Karl Marx's works are Manifesto of the Communist Party, The German Ideology, The Holy Family, and Notes on James Mill. Other works by Karl are Grundrisse and Value, Price and Profit.

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7y ago

His two most famous works are "The Communist Manifesto" and "Das Kapital."

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13y ago

Das Kapital.

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