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During weekdays in the secret annex, residents woke up early, had breakfast, and then spent the day in hiding. They kept quiet during the day to avoid being heard by the workers in the building. At night, they had dinner together, and there was some time for leisure activities before going to bed.

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Q: What was the timeline of a typical day in the secret annex?
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Where is miep on the day the secret annex is raided?

Miep Gies is not present at the Secret Annex on the day it is raided by the Nazis. She is working in another part of Amsterdam and is not aware of the raid until she returns to the building later that day after the Nazis have left.

What time does the day in the Secret Annex begin?

sometime between 6 and 8a.m.

What time does the day in the secret annex begging?

The morning begins at 7:30 a.m.

What time does the day in the secret Annex begin from Anne frank?

The day in the secret Annex for Anne Frank typically began around 6:45 AM. This was the time for morning activities like washing up and dressing before breakfast.

How did Anne and the others in the secret annex celebrate new years day 1944?

Meip had baked a spice cake for them to celebrate.

What do people who lived in the secret annex do every day?

In the secret annex, people read, studied, cooked, and did housework during the day. They also tried to keep quiet to avoid detection and spent time discussing their situation and planning for their future. Anne Frank, in particular, spent a lot of her time writing in her diary.

When did Anne go into hiding in the Secret Annex?

The Frank family went into hiding on July 6th 1942. The Van Pels joined them the day after.

How did Anne Frank Celebrate Hanukkah and St Nicholas day in the secret annex?

They sing traditional songs and tell stories of their old days

What day did Mr Dussel move in with the Franks and Van Daans?

November 16, 1942:Fritz Pfeffer (Mr. Dussel) moves into the Secret Annex.

How did Anne frank and the others in the secret annex celebrate New Year's Day 1944?

Anne Frank and the others in the Secret Annex celebrated New Year's Day in 1944 by sitting together in the living room, listening to the radio, and eating a special meal that they prepared with the rations they had. They also reflected on the past year and shared their hopes for the future.

What are the three rules of the Secret Annex?

The three rules of the Secret Annex were to stay quiet during the day, be extremely quiet during working hours, and avoid any loud noises or sudden movements.

When was the Franks secret annex discovered by the Gestapo?

Anne Frank didn't "find" the Annex-they already had it. The Annex area belonged to her dad, and it was attached to his company, Opetka. Mr. Frank was preparing the Annex months before they actually had to use it. He planned on going into hiding on July 16th, 1942, but Margot received a labor camp letter so they left on July 6, 1942.