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The author uses indirect characterization to describe Father Andrew, revealing his kind demeanor through his actions and words. Father Andrew is depicted as compassionate and understanding, often offering wisdom and guidance to those in need.

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Q: What type of characterization does the author use to describe Father Andrew?
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Which of the fallowing is something an author uses when using characterization?

There are many things that an author uses when using characterization of the characters. Characterization is when the author is able to use different writing styles to convey the characters in the writing. The following are some of what an author uses in characterization, narrative, literary elements and everyday conversation.

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There is direct characterization and indirect characterization. Direct characterization is when the author tells the reader something about the character. Indirect characterization is when the author uses words to show the reader something about the character. The author can show you what the character says, do and thinks and through water other characters say about, think about, or how they act towards that character.

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That is called indirect characterization. Direct characterization is when the author simply states something like "He was a bitter man."

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What is characterization?

Characterization is when the author describes and introduces characters. They can do this either directly or indirectly. Direct characterization is when the author tells you about the character: "John was very tall". Indirect characterization is when the author shows you something about the character: "As John walked into the room, he had to duck in order to avoid hitting his head on the door frame."

What include characterization?

statements from the author about the character

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The first method of characterization discussed in the video is direct characterization. This is when the author explicitly describes a character's traits or qualities for the reader.

Did Chaucer use direct or indirect characterization about the Monk in Canterbury Tales?

Chaucer used both direct and indirect characterization to describe the Monk in "The Canterbury Tales." Direct characterization is when the author explicitly states qualities about a character, while indirect characterization is conveyed through actions, dialogue, and interactions with other characters. In the case of the Monk, Chaucer employs both methods to paint a vivid picture of the character's personality and traits.

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When an author creates an impression about a character in the reader's mind what characterization is it known as?

It is known as indirect characterization, where the author reveals information about a character through their actions, dialogue, thoughts, or interactions with others, allowing readers to form their own impressions.

How would you use the word characterization in a sentence?

The author's careful characterization of the protagonist brought depth and complexity to the story.