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Rachel Carson used the term "biocide" to describe the effects of new generation pesticides on the environment. She highlighted how these chemicals not only killed the targeted pests but also had harmful effects on non-targeted organisms, leading to detrimental ecological consequences.

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Q: What term did Rachael Carson use to describe effects on new generation pesticides?
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Toxic or not to peopleare biological pesticides?

Yes, Biological Pesticides have toxic effects on people

Why are pesticides are sometimes called biocides?

Pesticides are sometimes called "BIOCIDES" because of their effects on living things.

What were some pesticides such as DDT removed from public use?

These pesticides have toxic effects on humans beings and other animals.

What are some health effects of using pesticides?

it can cause problems to your nervous system

What is the cost of spaying pesticides on crops?

The cost of spraying pesticides on crops is high. Between the effects on health, pollution, animal and crop losses, and the costs of the pesticides themselves the costs of pesticides in the United States alone each year is over $10 billion.

What is the bad effects of spraying pesticides on crops with use of airplanes?

One bad effect of spraying pesticides with planes is the potential for harming animals that may be in the area. Pesticides can drift, causing imbalances of nutrients in streams.

Who had other pesticides in Silent SPRING?

In "Silent Spring," Rachel Carson also discussed the harmful effects of other pesticides such as dieldrin, parathion, and chlordane, among others, on the environment and wildlife. These pesticides were found to have devastating impacts on ecosystems and organisms, leading to widespread environmental damage and concerns about their long-term effects on human health.

What were the effects on the Aboriginals in the Stolen Generation?

what were the impacts on the aboriginals in the stolen generation that were short term

What is a person who studies pesticides called?

A person who studies pesticides is called a pesticide researcher or a pesticide scientist. They work to investigate the effects of pesticides on the environment, human health, and wildlife, as well as to develop new and safer pesticide products.

How do pesticides accumulate down on food chains?

some pesticides such as methyl bromide accumulate in the air. this effects our ozone layer. it converts ozone molecules to oxygen harming our ozone layer

What did Rachel Carson do to help the Earth?

She alerted people about the harmful effects of pollution and pesticides against the Earth.

What effects does pesticides have on freshwater including ponds?

Unless very specific they are toxic to most aquatic fauna.