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Before she was forced into hiding by the Nazis, Anne Frank had very pedestrian struggles and hardships - the same sort that every teenager has. Once she was in hiding, her hardships became much more dire. She lived in constant fear of being found out and taken away to a concentration camp, where her punishment would be severe because she and her family had hidden from the Nazis for so long. She overcame these hardships by writing in her diary, and by remaining positive in the face of these hardships and terrible situations.

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11y ago
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6mo ago

Anne Frank faced the struggles of hiding from the Nazis during the Holocaust, living in cramped and stressful conditions in an annex for over two years, and dealing with the constant fear of being discovered and deported to a concentration camp. She also struggled with the loss of her freedom, education, and normal teenage experiences.

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14y ago

Anne Frank had ovevercome a lot of challenges. But, I think her biggest one was fighting Typhus and getting sent away from home...

She also had to overcome her hiding era. She was so young and wanted to go outside and be a regular kid. But she couldn't, she had to hide to save her life.

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11y ago

some of Anne Franks struggles where that she was trying to deal with Mr.Van Daan and Mrs.Van Daan. She is also trying to deal with a heat and dealing with living in a UN-known building. She is trying to change and to be the person she wants to be, but she doesn't know how to become that person. She is also trying to live during war, and at night she wakes up early with this booming sound. At night time as well, during war, there are bombs and and big objects thrown around the neighborhood. She is also struggling trying to get girl friends and buddies, because of the fact that shes gay!

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11y ago

some obstacles she to overcome was her hiding era. She was so young and wanted to go outside and be a regular kid. But she couldn't, she had to save her life if she didn't want to die.... her biggest one was fighting typhus...

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15y ago

Anne lived during WW2in Holland. she was Jewish, so she didn't have many rights. went into hiding to avoid deportation. and were later caught..

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10y ago

She struggled gettin used to not being able to do certain things. They announced that all Jewish kids must go to a Jewish school and she struggled in that

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11y ago

she fell in love with hotdogs

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