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The author uses the narrator's thoughts, emotions, and internal monologue to establish the mental state of the narrator. This can include descriptions of the narrator's feelings, beliefs, and perceptions, as well as how they interpret and react to the events in the story.

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Q: What structure element does the author use to establish the mental state of the narrator?
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He or she is actually called the narrator. The narrator differs from the author in that the author wrote the poem but the narrator lives inside the poem and is giving a firsthand account of the story.

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What structural element does the author employ that makes the mental state of the narrator seem broken and scattered?

Short paragraphs that move quickly and randomly from thought to thought. -apex :)

Is the narrator different then the author in the story Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe?

Yes, the narrator in "Things Fall Apart" is different from the author, Chinua Achebe. The narrator serves as a voice telling the story, while the author is the one who created the characters, plot, and overall message of the novel.

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Yes, although this is not always the case. If a story is written in the First person, then the author is the narrator.

What is the relationship between the author and the narrator?

the author is the narrator's key, without your author you need no narratorbut then without your narrator your piece can't be annouced, your narrator is your author's spokesman.the relationship beetween them is incerdible strong, they need eachother, BIG TIME!your welcome(;

Why is it important to know that the narrator and the author are not meant to be the same person?

So that opinions made by the narrator are not mistaken for the author's opinions.