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an encyclopedia

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You would need to refer to a literary resource book, such as "The Writer's Market" or "Literary Market Place," to find information on authors. These books typically contain details on authors' contact information, publishing history, and representation.

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Q: What resource book would you need to find information on an author?
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An encyclopedia would typically give the least information about the author's feelings. Encyclopedias are usually focused on presenting factual, objective information in a neutral and unbiased manner, rather than expressing personal opinions or emotions.

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Kayak the website will be a great resource for this information. Any phone book from Charleston will have information on a car rental business as well.

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If you are going to write a book and you're basing the plot on the plot of a different book how do you get permission from the author?

You would need to contact them through the publisher. You can find that information within the original book, or by getting a copy of Writer's Market.