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the way he was. trying to protect his father

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Elie Wiesel was a leader due to his courage in speaking out against injustices, his unwavering commitment to promoting human rights and tolerance, and his ability to inspire others to strive for a more compassionate and just world.

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Q: What qualities make Elie Wiesel a leader?
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Does Elie Wiesel make speeches?


How do the prisoners quench their thirst i the book Night by Elie Wiesel?

In the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, the prisoners quench their thirst by drinking liquids found in the camp, such as water from dirty containers or soup. They do not have access to fresh or clean water, so they make do with whatever is available to survive.

Write a letter to Elie Wiesel in the book Night from the modern day version of Elie?

Dear Elie Wiesel, Your words in "Night" continue to resonate with me today, as we face ongoing injustices and atrocities around the world. Your courage and resilience inspire me to stand up against oppression and never forget the importance of speaking out against injustice. Your legacy lives on in the hearts of those who seek to make the world a more compassionate and understanding place. Sincerely, [Modern-Day Version of Elie]

What qualities make Maximillien Robespierre a leader?

He was a brilliant orator.

What are some examples of friendship in the book Night by Elie Wiesel?

In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, examples of friendship can be seen in the bond between Elie and his father, as they support and protect each other during their time in the concentration camps. Another example is the friendship between Elie and his fellow prisoners, who provide each other with emotional support and companionship in the face of extreme hardship.

Why did dorata come to the radio station in the book Night by Elie Wiesel?

In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, Dorota came to the radio station to bring news of the German army's approach. She warned that the front line was only fifty kilometers away, and urged everyone to flee while they still could. This information was crucial for the Jews in the ghetto to make decisions about their safety.

Who is the most good leader?

There are certain qualities that make a person a great leader. Some of these qualities includes the ability to delegate, having a sense of humor, confidence, and commitment.

Where is a irony in night by Elie Wiesel?

One example of irony in "Night" by Elie Wiesel is when Elie prays to God to save him from the concentration camps, only to later witness the horrors and suffering that make him question his faith in God's existence and benevolence. This juxtaposition of hope and despair creates an ironic contrast between Elie's initial beliefs and his eventual disillusionment.

Is this sentence a hook for an essay on the book Night - One of Elie Wiesel's struggles was survival instinct and preventing from dying?

This is not a sentence, let alone a suitable 'hook'. You can't say survival instinct is a struggle, and 'preventing from dying' doesn't make sense. You might say something like 'Elie struggled to stay alive and to retain his humanity'.

Does Elie wiesel remain in the hospital while the camp is being evacuated?

Elie and his father must make a decision whether to go on the death march or stay in the infirmary at the camp. Elie decides that the camp will probably be bombed by the Nazis after it's evacuation and the sick peopel in the infirmary will be killed. He believes this because the Nazis have no use for sick people. Elie and his father go on the death march, which proves to be a bad choice because two days after the camp was evacuated and Elie and his father went on the march, people in the infirmary were freed. Had Elie and his father stayed in the infirmary, they would have been freed from the reign of the Nazis and his father would have survived the Holocaust.

Why did Eliezer want to leave the hospital early in the book Night?

Eliezer wanted to leave the hospital early in the book Night because he feared being left behind when the Russians approached, and he did not want to be taken to a different hospital. He also wanted to make sure he did not miss his chance to be reunited with his family.

What special qualities made Alexander the great a remarkable leader and what did he accomplish?

He traveled around the world to make people trust him.