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All that glitters is not gold. ("glisters" in the original quotation)The world's my oyster. ("mine" in the original quotation)The be-all and the end-allMethinks the lady doth protest too much. (In the original, the "methinks" is at the end)Gilding the lily (In the original "to gild refined gold; to paint the lily")To be or not to be (infinitely parodied)Alas, poor Yorick.Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.Once more into the breachBand of brothersStar-crossed loversJealousy the green-eyed monsterWhat the dickensetc. etc.(Quotations from Shakespeare normally fill up a large percentage of the pages in a book of famous quotations.)

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Some phrases popularized by Shakespeare include "all that glitters is not gold," "break the ice," "the be-all and end-all," and "in a pickle."

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Q: What phrases were coined created or popularized by Shakespeare?
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