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The story Umbrella Man is all about a young innocent girl, aged about 13 years old, speaking about an encounter with an old man;who appears 'feeble' to her. He tells the narrator's mother that he has forgotten to bring his wallet, and his legs are too exhausted and weak for him to walk back home. He asks if the mother could buy the Silk Umbrella in exchange for some money.

After all this, the Mother finds out that the old man is a knave, who sold her an umbrella just because he needed money for a drink or two.

This story talks about how people get cheated by clever knaves. This story has a touch of originality.

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5mo ago

The theme of "The Umbrella Man" by Roald Dahl is the idea that sometimes appearances can be deceiving, and that people should not be quick to judge others based solely on their outward appearance or behavior. The story explores how assumptions and stereotypes can affect our interactions with others.

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Q: What is the theme of the story Umbrella Man by Roald Dahl?
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Black humor in the short story the Umbrella Man by R Dahl?

Roald Dahl wrote "The Umbrella Man," which is in a book with other short stories. It is written with dark, black humor as his other stories are and has a bit of anÊ unexpected twist at the end. The characters have distinctive and the old man is resourceful with a quick wit.