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After vainly trying to light a fire by using up all his remaining matches at once, the man continues to freeze until he falls asleep, dying from exposure. The dog Buck watches the man die, then leaves him for a nearby camp he remembers (but couldn't tell the man about).

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

The resolution of "To Build a Fire" by Jack London occurs when the man succumbs to the extreme cold and dies while trying to build a fire to save himself. His failure to heed the advice of the old-timer about traveling alone in such harsh conditions leads to his tragic demise. The story ends with the man realizing his impending death and accepting his fate.

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Q: What is the resolution for the short story To Build a Fire by Jack London?
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The build up of conflict in a short story is called the rising action. This is where the tension and complications in the plot increase, leading to the climax of the story.

What is the time span of the story to build a fire?

The story "To Build a Fire" by Jack London takes place over the span of a few hours. It follows the journey of a man walking through the Yukon wilderness to reach his camp, facing challenges due to extreme cold and his lack of preparedness.

Which point of view does the author use"To Build a Fire,"?

"To Build a Fire" is a short story written by Jack London. The point of view in the story is third person limited, as the narrator is not a character in the story but only relates the thoughts and actions of the protagonist. The narrator is able to see and describe the events of the story as they happen, but is not privy to the inner thoughts and feelings of the other characters.