Roald Dahl had a pet dog named Chopper, a cat named Taak, a pony named Cricket, and birds named Solomon and Moses.
the names of Roald Dahl's one and only brother is Loius.
what were the names of Roald Dahl brothers
Roald Dahl did not have step-siblings he had half-siblings. Their names were Ellen and Louis.
Roald Dahl did not have step-siblings he had half-siblings. Their names were Ellen and Louis.
i cant answer that right now sorry!!
Roald Dahl's middle name is Dahl.
Harald Dahl and Sofie Magdalene DahlHis father first married, but she died, so Roald's actual parents are Harold and Sofie Dahl. Hope this helps!Harald and Sophie Dahl
roald dahl. he didnt have a middle name.
No, Roald Dahl is not single.
Roald Dahl.
Yes, Roald Dahl did breed budgies. He bred and raised budgerigars (parakeets) as a hobby. Dahl was known to be very fond of animals and had a variety of pets throughout his life.
Roald Dahl had a total of five children. Their names were Olivia, Tessa, Theo, Ophelia, and Lucy.