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It was a habit of Aristotle to write prefaces to his books. In these books he invariably noted all achievements made up to that date on that subject by others before him. It has been alleged that he did this only to disprove and discredit each. Francis Bacon once said that Aristotle could not reign secure without putting all his brethren to death. However, thanks to these prefaces, the world now knows what thought and knowledge had been there before the time of Aristotle, Plato and Socrates.

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Aristotle's prefaces provide context and background information about the content of his works, helping readers understand the purpose and structure of the text. They also serve as a guide for readers on how to approach and interpret the material, setting the stage for the discussions that follow. Ultimately, the prefaces offer valuable insights into Aristotle's thoughts and intentions, enhancing the overall understanding and appreciation of his works.

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