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When Bob realizes that the man is not his best friend Jimmy.

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The climax of "Twenty Years Later" by O. Henry occurs when the story's main characters reveal their true identities and intentions, leading to a dramatic and unexpected twist in the narrative. This revelation changes the course of the story and resolves the central conflict between the characters.

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What are the release dates for The O- Henry Playhouse - 1957 After Twenty Years 1-13?

The O- Henry Playhouse - 1957 After Twenty Years 1-13 was released on: USA: 3 April 1957

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The main characters in "After Twenty Years" by O. Henry are two childhood friends named Jimmy Wells and Bob. They made a pact to meet at a certain spot in New York City twenty years later, but their lives took different paths. The story explores the themes of loyalty and nostalgia as they reunite under unexpected circumstances.

When did shakespear wrote his history play?

Shakespeare wrote a whole bunch of history plays. The earliest, the three parts of Henry VI, were written before 1592. The last, Henry VIII, was written in 1613, over twenty years later.

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Thomas Henry Sherman has written: 'Twenty years with James G. Blaine'

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What kind of mood does o Henry create in his story after twenty years?

O. Henry creates a nostalgic and sentimental mood in "After Twenty Years" through the reunion of two friends after a long period of separation. The tone is reflective and bittersweet as the characters reminisce about their past and the passage of time.

What pronouns are used to describe the characters in the story After Twenty Years?

The pronoun I would use to describe the O. Henry story "After Twenty Years" is the possessive pronoun his. It is his story, his appointment, his old friend, his downfall.

Is King Henry VIII from medieval times?

No. He is after. Over a hundred years later.

Point of view in After Twenty Years?

the one by O. Henry is third person. but other than that i dont know....

Who was the monarch in the year 1505?

Henry VII (the seventh, not the eight) but he died 4 years later in 1509, leaving Henry VIII the throne.

Did Henry VIII drive a car?

No. Henry VIII was alive during the 16th century and the automobile was not invented until hundreds of years later.