William Bradford William Bradford; He was the primary architecht and second signer for the Mayflower Compact.
William Bradford.
William Bradford
The second governor of Plymouth was William Bradford, and he wrote the book "Of Plymouth Plantation." This book provides an account of the Pilgrims' journey to the New World and their experiences in establishing the Plymouth colony.
Bradford R. HAMANN has written: 'The Greek design coloring book'
William Duncan Ross has written: 'Bradford politics 1880-1906'
Bradford L. Wilson has written: 'An edition and study of William of Conches' Glosses on Juvenal's Satires'
Governor Bradford, William I think.. Governor Bradford, William I think..
William Bradford was English originally
Edward Bradford Titchener has written: 'A Text-book of psychology' 'An Outline of Psychology' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'A Text-book of psychology' -- subject(s): Accessible book
William Bradford William Bradford
William Bradford was an immigrant from England