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The Swahili name for father is "baba".

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Q: What is the Swahili name for father?
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How do you say father and brother in Swahili?

Father in Swahili is "baba" and brother is "ndugu."

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"Brandon" does not have a direct translation in Swahili, as it is a name. However, it can be used as a name in Swahili-speaking regions without translation.

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the "Qu" is from her mother's name: Qulyndreia the "ven" is from her father and brother's name :Venjie and zhane..means "fairy" in Swahili

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Hussein is an Arabic name which is a diminutive of Hassan. It connotes "good", "handsome" or "beautiful."

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"Xzavier" does not have a specific meaning in Swahili as it is not a Swahili name. Swahili names are usually derived from Arabic or Bantu origins, but "Xzavier" is not a common name in Swahili-speaking regions.

Is majo the Swahili name for grandmother?

No, "majo" is not the Swahili name for grandmother. In Swahili, the word for grandmother is "bib", while "majo" does not have any specific meaning in Swahili language.

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Farasi is horses in Swahili.

How do you say father in Swahili?

moofasa. just like in the lion king.Maybe this one is regional, but "baba" is the word for "father" in the regions I've visited, northern and central Tanzania.

How do you say the name Haley in Swahili?

The name Haley can be translated to "Haley" in Swahili as well. Swahili does not have an exact equivalent for this name.

How do you say We love you Daddy in Swahili?

Tunakupenda, Baba (or you can substitute "daddy" for the Swahili baba, father, because many Swahili-speakers know and use the word).