Roald Dahl was buried with some of his favorite things, which included a power saw, a pencil, chocolate, and red wine.
Roald Dahl was buried with his favorite items including his snooker cues, a power drill, some good burgundy and a HB pencil. Dahl's whimsical and unconventional burial requests reflected his unique personality and sense of humor.
because he wrote it
Roald Dahl's favorite chocolate was Cadbury Dairy Milk.
roald dahl's best subject is reading roald dahl's best subject is reading
Roald Dahl's favorite book that he wrote was, The Big Friendly Giant (The BFG).Roald Dahl also enjoyed books by Charles Dickens and Lewis Carroll.According to an interview with Puffin Books, Mr. Midshipman Easy was Roald Dahl's favorite book.
Roald Dahl's favourite book is the famous five.
Dahl was buried with his pool cues and his typewrighter.He was buried with his Snooker_cuecues, some very good burgundy, chocolates, Penciland a Circular_saw.
yellow it was also his favorite colour.