W. Thomas MacCary is an American scholar who has written on various topics in literature and Shakespeare studies. Some of his well-known works include "Friends & Lovers: The Phenomenology of Desire in Shakespearean Comedy" and "Shakespeare's Common Prayers: The Book of Common Prayer and the Elizabethan Age."
Douglas Wallace Campbell has written:
'The policies and administration of municipal aquatic facilities in Southern California'
Thomas W. Allen has written: 'Homer'
M. W. Thomas has written: 'People in need'
Thomas W. Hulme has written: 'The relation of valuation to investments'
Hayden W. Thomas has written: 'Thesis and anti-thesis'
Thomas W. Grimshaw has written: 'Manual of public health for Ireland'
Thomas W. Gallant has written: 'Modern Greece (Brief Histories)'
Thomas W. Hensley has written: 'St. Nicholas church, Brighton'
A. W. Thomas has written: 'The structure of the nucleon' -- subject(s): Nuclear structure
Thomas W. Smiddy has written: 'A manual for the extraordinary minister of confirmation'
Robert C. W. Thomas has written: 'Fighting talk'
Thomas W. Hayes has written: 'Natural law and Milton's attack on corruption'
Thomas W. Kniesche has written: 'Die Genealogie der Post-Apokalypse'