Vera Ebot Boulley is the author of the young adult novel "Firekeeper's Daughter," which follows the story of Daunis, a biracial Ojibwe teenager who becomes involved in an undercover FBI investigation. The novel explores themes of identity, family, and culture in a suspenseful and engaging narrative.
Vera Garlick has written: 'News'
Vera Khlebnikova has written: 'Doro'
Vera Watson has written: 'British Museum'
Vera Panchenko has written: 'Prozrachnye kolokola'
Vera Lysenko has written: 'Westerly wild'
Vera Whittington has written: 'Sister Kate'
Rosaura Tejera Vera has written: '\\'
Vera Vizirova has written: 'Nash dvor'
Vera May has written: 'The wayward heat'
Vera Loucks has written: 'Essence of living'
Vera Stepanova has written: 'Rossypi let'
Vera R. Amrein has written: 'The stowaway'