Tserengiin Iadamzhav has written: 'Mongol ardyn gar urlal'
D. Demberel has written: 'Mongol zurkhain garyn avlaga'
Damdiny Demberel was born in 1941.
Sambuu Demberel is the Minister of Environment for Mongolia.
Forename Author Surname has written: 'Title'
Author of Anthony Ker. has written: 'Not worth his salt'
Author of Anthony Leger. has written: 'Gabrielle de Vergy'
Donald Parson has written: 'Surely the author'
Author of Indiana Danby. has written: 'The history of Miss Pamela Howard'
Author of Ernest Harwood has written: 'Clara Roscom, or, The path of duty'
Amy Greenstadt has written: 'Rape and the rise of the author'
Forrest Robinson has written: 'The Author-Cat' 'After the fire'