Taiken Kyuma has written:
'Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, vol. 62' -- subject(s): Comparative Religion
Teruko Kyuma Chin has written:
'Japanese economy and politics' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Catalogs, Periodicals, Politics and Government, Economic conditions, Japanese periodicals
taiken boys
Naoyuki Arai has written: 'Shimbun sengo shi' -- subject(s): Freedom of the press, Japan, Journalism, Press 'Haisen taiken to sengo shiso'
Takashi Tachibana has written: 'Maza neichazu toku' 'Seijika Tanaka Kakuei no haiboku (Rokkido saiban bochoki)' 'Saiensu mireniamu' -- subject(s): Research, Science 'Dojidai o utsu' 'Rinshi taiken' 'Kyoaku vs genron'
The cast of Hatsu taiken - 1966 includes: Toshio Chikamatsu Morio Chikuma Yuri Ichiboshi Mari Iwai Ai Kikumura Eiji Maki Yuichi Minato Rie Mizuno
Forename Author Surname has written: 'Title'
Author of Anthony Ker. has written: 'Not worth his salt'
Author of Anthony Leger. has written: 'Gabrielle de Vergy'
Donald Parson has written: 'Surely the author'
Author of Indiana Danby. has written: 'The history of Miss Pamela Howard'
Author of Ernest Harwood has written: 'Clara Roscom, or, The path of duty'
Amy Greenstadt has written: 'Rape and the rise of the author'
Forrest Robinson has written: 'The Author-Cat' 'After the fire'