Robert C. Pooley has written:
'America reads' -- subject(s): American literature, English literature
'Projection in literature (America reads)'
'Grammar and usage in textbooks on English' -- subject(s): English language, Grammar, Study and teaching, Textbooks
'Robert C. Pooley'
'Teaching English usage' -- subject(s): English language, Study and teaching
'Outlooks through literature' -- subject(s): Composition and exercises, English language, Readers and speakers, Readers
Robert Spicer has written:
'Disability Discrimination (Professional Focus)'
'How to Know Your Rights at Work' -- subject(s): Employee rights
'Employment Tribunals' -- subject(s): Arbitration and award, Labor disputes, Laws and legislation
'Publishing a Book: How to Publish Your Own Work and Make a Profit (How to Books : Successful Writing)'
'Sex discrimination at work' -- subject(s): Law and legislation, Sex discrimination in employment
Robert J Spoley has written:
'The bedrock geology of the Oxford Quadrangle, Butler-Preble Counties, Ohio' -- subject(s): Geology
Robert William Slota has written:
'Soil survey, Crawford County, Wisconsin' -- subject(s): Maps, Soil surveys, Soils
Henry Spicer has written: 'His novice'
Bruce Spicer has written: 'Margin for error'
William Spicer has written: 'The plan of a Roman camp'
Malcolm Spicer has written: 'Theology and mythology' -- subject(s): Mythology
Cindy Spicer has written: 'Little orgy auntie' 'Sexy relations'
Erik J. Spicer has written: 'Trade unions in libraries'
Michael Wolseley Spicer has written: 'Sanctions against South Africa'
George W. Spicer has written: 'The Supreme Court and fundamental freedoms'
C. M. Spicer has written: 'Tyme out ofmind' -- subject(s): History
Nora Spicer Unwin has written: 'Poquito, the little Mexican duck' 'The way of the shepherd'
William Arnold Spicer has written: 'The flag replaced on Sumter' -- subject(s): Accessible book
William M. Spicer has written: 'General chemistry problems' -- subject(s): Chemistry, Problems, exercises