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Persius. has written:

'A new and literal translation of the satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus'

'Satires of Persius'

'Persio' -- subject(s): Latin Verse satire, Translations into Italian, Verse satire, Latin

'Die Satiren des Persius' -- subject(s): Latin Verse satire, Translations into German, Verse satire, Latin

'A prosaic translation of Aulus Persius Flaccus's six satyrs'

'Auli Persii Flacci Satyras sex' -- subject(s): Latin Verse satire, Verse satire, Latin

'The satyrs of Persius'

'Aulus Persius Flaccus, his Satyres' -- subject(s): Latin Verse satire, Translations into English, Verse satire, Latin

'A. Persi Flacci et D. Iuni Iuvenalis Saturae' -- subject(s): Latin Verse satire, Poetry, Verse satire, Latin

'A. Persii Flacci Satirarum liber' -- subject(s): Latin Verse satire

'[In Auli Flacci Persij Satyras sex, quatuor praestantium virorum commentarij'

'Satirarum liber' -- subject(s): Latin Verse satire

'Satire' -- subject(s): Latin Verse satire, Latin poetry, Translations into Italian

'Satyrae cum quinq[ue] commentariis, & eorum indice amplissimo'

'Satires de Perse et de Sulpicia' -- subject(s): Latin Satire, Satire, Latin

'Peel & Co..'

'Aulus P. Flaccus'

'A. Persii Flacci, D. Junii Juvenalis, Sulpiciae Saturae' -- subject(s): Latin Satire, Latin poetry, Satire, Latin

'The Satires of Persius translated: with notes' -- subject(s): Latin Verse satire, Translations into English, Verse satire, Latin

'Opera omnia'

'Le oscurissime satire di Persio'

'Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae sex' -- subject(s): Latin Verse satire, Verse satire, Latin

'Saturarum liber' -- subject(s): Latin Verse satire, Poetry

'A. Persii Flacci et D. Iunii Iuvenalis Satyrae'

'Satirae ad codices Parisinos'

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5mo ago

The Roman author Persius wrote satirical poetry that critiqued the societal vices and inconsistencies of ancient Rome. He is best known for his work "Satires," a collection of six satirical poems that explore themes of morality, philosophy, and human behavior. Persius's writing is characterized by its wit, sharpness, and criticism of contemporary society.

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9y ago

Phaedrus has written:

'A poetical translation of the fables of Phaedrus' -- subject(s): Fables

'Le favole'

'Fabulae selectae'

'Phaedri Aug. liberti fabularum Aesopiarum' -- subject(s): Fables



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