Paul Wilhelm von Keppler has written:
'Mehr freude' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Catholic authors, Christian life, Christianity, Happiness, Joy, Religious aspects of Happiness, Religious aspects of Joy, Religious aspects
'Die Adventsperikopen' -- subject(s): Advent sermons, Bible, Criticism, interpretation
'Homilien und predigten' -- subject(s): German Sermons
'Wanderfahrten und Wallfahrten im Orient' -- subject(s): Description and travel
'The poor souls in purgatory' -- subject(s): Purgatory
'Die armenseelenpredigt' -- subject(s): Purgatory
'Wasser aus dem Felsen' -- subject(s): German Sermons
'More joy' -- subject(s): Christian life, Joy and sorrow
Paul Wilhelm von Keppler is known for his work in the field of astronomy. He made significant contributions to the study of comets and their orbits, as well as the dynamics of celestial bodies in the solar system. Keppler was a respected astronomer in the 19th century and his research continues to be influential in the field of astronomy.
Wilhelm Paul Corssen has written: 'Origines poesis romanae'
Wilhelm Hartmann has written: 'Paul de Lagarde'
Paul Wilhelm Wenger has written: 'Wer gewinnt Deutschland?' -- subject(s): European federation, Nationalism
Paul Hoffmann has written: 'Wilhelm Reuter' -- subject(s): Lithography
Wilhelm Stenzel has written: 'Paul Verlaine, der Mensch und der Dichter'
Paul Wilhelm Eduard Vageler has written: 'Brasilien, Gigant der Zukunft' -- subject(s): Description and travel
Friedrich Wilhelm Schoberth has written: 'A. Paul Weber' -- subject(s): Biography, Cartoonists, Ger Ratzeburg
Paul Collins Hayner has written: 'Reason and existence' -- subject(s): Philosophy, History, Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von, 1775-1854
Paul Ernst Wilhelm Oertmann has written: 'Die Volkswirtschaftslehre des Corpus iuris civilis' -- subject(s): Corpus juris civilis, Economics 'Die Aufrechnung im deutschen Zivilprozessrecht' -- subject(s): Set-off and counterclaim, Civil procedure
Wilhelm Pauck has written: 'Paul Tillich, his life & thought' -- subject(s): Theologians, Biography 'From Luther to Tillich' -- subject(s): Doctrinal Theology, History, Protestant Theology, Theology, Doctrinal, Theology, Protestant 'Harnack and Troeltsch'
Wilhelm Paul Corssen died in 1875.
Wilhelm Paul Corssen was born in 1820.