Norma Cohn was a British author known for her works on the history of religious beliefs, including books such as "The Pursuit of the Millennium" and "Europe's Inner Demons." Her writing often focused on the relationship between religion, society, and politics throughout history.
A. Cohn has written: 'Rabbi Israel Hildesheimer'
Art Cohn has written: 'The joker is wild'
Terri Cohn has written: 'Diego Rivera'
Damian A. Cohn has written: 'Artists in the workforce'
Cohn has written: 'The romance of trauma' -- subject(s): Traumatology
Robert Cohn has written: 'Aphasia' -- subject(s): Aphasia, Physiopatholoy
Ernst M. Cohn has written: 'A book of postal history'
Avra Cohn has written: 'The correctness of a precedence parsing algorithm in LCF'
Einar Cohn has written: 'Danmark under den Store Krig'
Clara Viebig Cohn has written: 'Das schlafende Heer'
Norma Lecluyse has written: 'Moorslede'
Norma Farnes has written: 'The Goons'