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David Brewster has written:

'Observations relative to the motions of the molecules of bodies' -- subject(s): Molecular dynamics, Molecules

'Notice respecting Professor Hansteen's chart of the variation and dip of the needle' -- subject(s): Compass, Magnetic declination

'Reply to Mr. Brooke's observations on the connexion between the optical structure of minerals and their primitive forms' -- subject(s): Optical mineralogy

'Experiments on the structure and refractive power of the coats and humours of the human eye' -- subject(s): Accommodation and refraction, Aqueous humor, Crystalline lens, Eye

'On the connexion between the optical structure and chemical composition of minerals' -- subject(s): Mineralogical chemistry, Optical mineralogy

'Account of two remarkable rainbows' -- subject(s): Rainbow

'On some remarkable affections of the retina' -- subject(s): Research, Vision

'On a new series of periodical colours produced by the grooved surfaces of metallic and transparent bodies' -- subject(s): Color, Optics

'The stereoscope' -- subject(s): Stereoscope, Stereoscopic Photography

'On the reflection and decomposition of light at the separating surfaces of media of the same and of different refractive powers' -- subject(s): Optics, Refraction

'Treatise on the kaleidoscope' -- subject(s): Kaleidoscopes

'Reply to a note in the Annales de chimie by M. Arago, on the phosphorescence of fluor-spar' -- subject(s): Fluorspar, Optical properties, Phosphorescence

'On the life-boat, the lightning conductor, and the lighthouse'

'Account of the new galvano-magnetic condenser invented by M. Poggendorff' -- subject(s): Capacitors

'Notice respecting a method of producing an intense heat from gas for various purposes in the arts' -- subject(s): Gases at high temperatures

'On the optical properties and mechanical condition of amber' -- subject(s): Amber, Polarization (Light)

'Description of a new reflecting microscope' -- subject(s): Microscopes, Microscopy

'Observations on the diurnal variation of the needle from 1775-1780, at Zwanenburg in Holland' -- subject(s): Compass, Magnetic declination

'The life of Sir Isaac newton'

'Description of levyne, a new mineral species' -- subject(s): Geochemistry, Silicate minerals, Sulfuric acid

'Farther observations on levyne, a new mineral species' -- subject(s): Silicate minerals

'Notice respecting a singular structure in the diamond' -- subject(s): Crystal optics, Diamonds

'Description of a teinoscope for altering the lineal proportions of objects' -- subject(s): Optical instruments, Telescopes

'On the existence of two new fluids in the cavities of minerals, which are immiscible, and possess remarkable physical properties' -- subject(s): Determinative Mineralogy, Inclusions, Precious stones, Quartz

'Observations on the structure and crystalline forms of haytorite' -- subject(s): Crystallography, Determinative Mineralogy

'On the life-boat, the lightning conductor, and the lighthouse' -- subject(s): Lighthouses, Lightning-conductors, Life-boats

'On a new analysis of solar light' -- subject(s): Solar Spectrum, Spectrum analysis

'More worlds than one' -- subject(s): Life on other planets, Plurality of worlds, Cosmology

'A treatise on optics' -- subject(s): Optics

'The martyrs of science' -- subject(s): Accessible book

'Brewster and Wheatstone on vision' -- subject(s): Stereoscopic Photography, Vision

'Description of two surfaces composed of siliceous filaments incapable of reflecting light' -- subject(s): Crystallography, Quartz

'On the action of the second surfaces of transparent plates upon light' -- subject(s): Physical optics, Polarization (Light)

'More worlds than one' -- subject(s): Plurality of worlds

'On some properties of light'

'On a new species of double refraction, accompanying a remarkable structure in analcime' -- subject(s): Analcime, Crystal optics, Double Refraction

'On the laws of the polarization of light by refraction' -- subject(s): Physical optics, Polarization (Light), Reflections

'Observations on the mean temperature of the globe' -- subject(s): Earth temperature, Polarization (Light)

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6mo ago

Megan Brewster Aldrich has written a book titled "The Art of Living - Realising Your True Potential". The book explores themes of personal development, mindfulness, and finding one's purpose in life.

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10y ago

Josephine Macalister Brew has written:

'Informal education' -- subject- s -: Adult education

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10y ago

Mel Brewster has written:

'Remington bullet knives' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Collectors and collecting, Remington knives

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10y ago

Megan Brewster Aldrich has written:

'Gothic revival' -- subject(s): Architecture, Gothic revival (Architecture)

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10y ago

Jo Brewer has written:

'Wings in the Meadow' -- subject(s): Anecdotes, Monarch butterfly

'Dynamite Dodge Ball Games!'

'The mysterious treasure of Cloud Rock'

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10y ago

Francis Campbell Brewer has written:

'The drama and music in New South Wales' -- subject(s): Music, Theater

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10y ago

Mary Taylor Brewer has written:

'From log cabins to the White House' -- subject(s): Family, Genealogy

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10y ago

Virginia Wemyss Brewer has written:

'Forestry activities of the federal government' -- subject(s): Forests and forestry

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10y ago

Josephine Kenyon has written:

'Healthy babies; a complete handbook for modern mothers'

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