Mari Saat is a Estonian writer and author known for her novels that delve into Soviet-era Estonia and its impact on individuals' lives. Some of her notable works include "The Saviour" and "War in Paradise."
Mari Ikezawa has written: 'Mai feibaritto'
Mari a de Montserrat has written: '\\'
Mari Tarand has written: 'Ajapildi sees'
Mari-Djo has written: 'Amour Chaltoune'
M. Saat Gurning has written: 'IP-KI dalam sejarah, kiprah, dan peranannya'
Mari Nishino has written: 'Gendai keizai seisakuron'
Silvia Marti Mari has written: ''moving''
Joxe Mari Iturralde has written: 'Nafarroako artizarra'
Chandulal Selarka has written: 'Bhitar Saat Samandar'
Walter Rilla has written: 'SAAT DER ZEIT'
Alberto Mari has written: 'Five Little Mice' 'Who Says Miaow?'
Juan Mari Irigoien has written: 'Babilonia' 'Poliedroaren hostoak'