Kimse Okoko is a Nigerian writer, journalist, and author who is known for her work in promoting African literature. She has written various acclaimed works, including novels, short stories, and essays that explore themes of culture, identity, and social issues in Africa. Her writing often delves into the complexities of modern Nigerian society and challenges stereotypes through diverse narratives.
Hasan Cemal has written: 'Kimse kizmasin, kendimi yazdim'
"Flower" in Igbo is "ube oyibo."
49 pi but the circle is 49 and 2
The cast of Sevemez kimse seni - 1968 includes: Faik Coskun Taner Erhal Ilhan Hemseri Cahit Irgat Tefik Soyurgal Nubar Terziyan Kartal Tibet Tuncay Torun
Forename Author Surname has written: 'Title'
Author of Anthony Ker. has written: 'Not worth his salt'
Author of Anthony Leger. has written: 'Gabrielle de Vergy'
Donald Parson has written: 'Surely the author'
Author of Indiana Danby. has written: 'The history of Miss Pamela Howard'
Author of Ernest Harwood has written: 'Clara Roscom, or, The path of duty'
Amy Greenstadt has written: 'Rape and the rise of the author'