George Mauduit has written: 'They can't ration these'
Jacques Mauduit was born on September 16, 1557.
Jacques Mauduit was born on September 16, 1557.
Jacques Mauduit died on August 21, 1627 at the age of 69.
Jacques Mauduit died on August 21, 1627 at the age of 69.
Jacques Mauduit was born on September 16, 1557 and died on August 21, 1627. Jacques Mauduit would have been 69 years old at the time of death or 457 years old today.
Isaac Mauduit has written: 'Tri-unity, or, The doctrin of the Holy Trinity' -- subject(s): Bible, Doctrinal Theology, Theology, Doctrinal, Trinity
Jacques Halbert has written: 'Jacques Halbert'
Jacques Morion has written: 'Jacques Morion'
Jacques Mettra has written: '\\'
Jacques Viens has written: '\\'
Jacques Simon has written: 'Le grand Jacques'