Isadore Rubin has written:
'Sexual life after sixty' -- subject(s): Sex, Sexual behavior, Geriatrics, Older people, Seksualiteit, Ouderen, Sexual Behavior
'The sex educator and moral values'
'A family guide to sex' -- subject(s): Sex instruction
'Sexual life in the later years' -- subject(s): Sexual behavior, Sex instruction for older people, Older people
Isadore Dretzin has written: 'Understanding life insurance' -- subject(s): Life Insurance
Harold Rubin has written: 'The Betsy'
Rubin Rabinovitz has written: 'Rabinovitz'
Isadore Rossman has written: 'Clinical geriatrics' -- subject(s): Geriatrics, Cases, clinical reports, statistics
Anele Rubin has written: 'Trying to speak'
Laurie Rubin has written: 'To Look Closely'
Davis Rubin has written: 'The greater darkness'
Gertrude Rubin has written: 'The Passover poems'
Isadore Victor Fine has written: 'Industrial development corporations in Wisconsin' -- subject(s): Industrial promotion
A. M. Rubin has written: 'Menshen un leben'
Murray Rubin has written: 'Rack jobbers and supermarkets'
Benjamin Isadore Schwartz has written: 'Communism and China' -- subject(s): Communism 'Chinese communism and the rise of Mao'