Eugene Franklin has written: 'The Bold house murders' 'The money murders'
Bud Osborn has written: 'Signs of the Times'
John Lee Osborn has written: 'Malmesbury'
Elias Osborn has written: 'A brief narrative of the life, labours and sufferings, of Elias Osborn'
Lydia Osborn Wiepking has written: 'Portraits in oil'
M. Osborn has written: 'Headteachers' experiences and ideas on education for all'
Osborn Duke has written: 'Sideman' -- subject(s): Accessible book
Robert Osborn Mead has written: 'The literature of cultural history'
A. C. Osborn has written: 'Forty years' -- subject(s): Benedict College
D. Keith Osborn has written: 'Kindergarten: Who? What? Where?' -- subject(s): Kindergarten
Samuel Osborn has written: 'Hydrocele' -- subject(s): Testicular Hydrocele, Hydrocele
John Osborn Polak has written: 'Manual of obstetrics' -- subject(s): Obstetrics