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Karl Gottlieb Bretschneider has written:

'Die Theologie und die Revolution: Oder, die theologischen Richtungen unserer Zeit in ihrem ..'

'Der Freiherr von Sandau, oder, die gemischte Ehe' -- subject(s): Religious aspects, Marriage, Interfaith marriage

'Henry and Antonio; or, The proselytes of the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches, tr. by M ..'

'Handbuch der dogmatik der evangelish-lutherischen kirche' -- subject(s): Doctrinal Theology, Lutheran Church, Doctrinal and controversial works

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Eckart Goebel is a German author known for his work in philosophy, literature, and cultural studies. Some of his notable books include "Future Knowledge: The Scientia Poetica of James Merrill" and "Goethe als Literaturhistoriker".

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Eckart Goebel has written:

'Konstellation und Existenz' -- subject(s): German Authors, German literature, History and criticism, History in literature, Political and social views

'Charis und Charisma' -- subject(s): Charis (The Greek word), Charisma (Personality trait), German literature, History and criticism

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Karl Eberhard Goebel has written:

'Organography of plants, especially of the Archegoniata and Spermaphyta' -- subject(s): botany, Organography

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Joseph Goebel has written:

'Theorie und Praxis des Orgelpfeifenklanges' -- subject(s): Organ tuning

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Karl Boehm has written:


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