E. P. Barrows is known for writing books on various subjects, such as history, philosophy, and literature. Some of the titles associated with E. P. Barrows include "History of Iowa," "Historical Sketch of Montezuma Township," and "Intimations of Christianity Among the Ancient Greeks."
E. P. Maslov has written: 'Krym'
A. E. P. Searing has written: 'A social experiment'
E. P. Neufeld has written: 'A global corporation'
E P. Roe has written: 'From jest to earnest'
E. P Kuhl has written: 'Chaucer the patriot'
E. P. Bazan has written: 'Son of the bondswoman'
E. P. Kushnarev has written: 'Vybory i vily'
E. P. Ogbonnaya has written: 'Birom religion'
E. P. Schmidt has written: 'Man and society'
E P. Cubberley has written: 'History of education'
P. E. Trudeau has written: 'Approaches to politics'
P. E. Raynor has written: 'Printing for amateurs'