David L. Appleyard is a retired professor of English. He has written the book "Understanding the Russian Revolution" which provides a comprehensive overview of this historical event. Additionally, Appleyard has contributed articles and essays to scholarly publications on topics related to Russian history and literature.
David L. Scovill has written: 'The amazing Danis!'
David L. Ruffley has written: 'Children of victory'
David L. Weddle has written: 'The law as gospel'
David L. Eppele has written: 'Desert in Bloom'
David L. Witt has written: 'Modernists in Taos'
David L. Holl has written: 'The Holl family'
David L. Fraley has written: 'Thinning The Herd'
David L. Frost has written: 'Othello and the democrats'
David L. Davies has written: 'Countdown on drinking'
David L. Bennett has written: 'Adolescent health in Australia'
David L. Grove has written: 'Economists as advisors to policymakers'