Absalom D. Shabaz has written:
'Land of the lion and the sun' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Religion
D. D. Christie has written: 'The quirister'
D. Tsedmaa has written: '\\'
D. A. Powell has written: '\\'
No, if you pay attention to the movie...Absalom says he's come to end of life and Alice ask if he is going to die and Absalom says No, Transforming-Hope this has help =D
D D. Nibbelink has written: 'Bigger and better'
D. J. D. Hickman has written: 'The \\'
D D. Glagoi has written: 'Russkie poetry'
D. D. Ridley has written: 'Online searching'
D. D. Zuev has written: 'Shkol'nyi uchebnik'
D. D. Blagoi has written: 'Poeziya deistvitel'nosti'
D. A. Chapman has written: 'Our homeland'
D. Bijimi has written: 'Wisdom'