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What he meant is that, after conquering new territory, you can expect resistance to your rule, unless the locals love you enough not to want to rebel, or are so weak that they do not have the means. What he said is that it would be best to be both loved and feared, but since that is impossible, it is safer if people cannot challenge your rule than if they can, but don't want to.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Machiavelli believed that a prince should prefer to be feared rather than loved if he cannot be both. He argued that fear is more dependable and less likely to lead to rebellion, while love could be fickle and easily manipulated. Machiavelli believed that, ultimately, a prince should strive for both, but if forced to choose, fear was the safer option.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

He believed this because if the people of the town/city loved him, they may get comfortable with him and not do the work they are assighned to

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βˆ™ 10y ago

According to Machiavelli, he writes, "The answer of course, that it would be best to be both loved and feared." He wants the best of both!

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Fear is a stronger motivator

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Q: What does niccolo Machiavelli think that a prince should prefer to be loved or feared and why?
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