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Using a freezing probe, the surgeon freezes the outer surface of the eye over the tear or detachment. The inflammation caused by the freezing leads to scar formation

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10mo ago

Cryopexy is a medical procedure used to treat retinal detachment. It involves applying freezing temperatures to create a scar that seals a retinal tear or hole, helping to reattach the retina to the back of the eye. This procedure is typically done in a doctor's office or outpatient setting using a specialized instrument.

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What is involved in retinal cryopexy in the case of retinal detachment?

irritating the tissue around each of the retinal tears. Cryopexy stimulates scar formation, sealing the edges of the tear. This is typically done by looking into the eye using the indirect ophthalmoscope

What alternatives exist to photocoagulation therapy?

One alternative for the treatment of small areas of detachment is cryopexy, which is performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. In cryopexy, the ophthalmologist uses nitrous oxide to freeze the tissue underneath the retinal tear.

What is retinal cryopexy?

a procedure that uses intense cold to induce a chorioretinal scar and to destroy retinal or choroidal tissue

What risks are associated with retinal cryopexy?

infection, perforation of the eye with the anesthetic needle, bleeding, double vision, and glaucoma.

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Answering your question fully will entail further research on my part.

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That would entail writing an answer, which I have now done.

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