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Ray Bradbury rejected the classification of his work as strictly Science Fiction, preferring to describe it as fantasy or speculative fiction. He believed his stories explored deeper themes and emotions beyond the technological aspects typically associated with science fiction. Bradbury felt that labeling his work limited its potential impact on readers.

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Q: What does Ray Bradbury say about categorizing his work about science fiction?
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Does Bradbury say about categorizing his work as science fiction?

categorizing his work

What does Bradbury say about categorizing his work as science fiction?

categorizing his work

What does bradbury say about categorizing his work science fiction?

categorizing his work

Why did Ray Bradbury think he was not a science fiction writer?

Ray Bradbury didn't consider himself a science fiction writer because he felt his focus was on human feelings and emotions rather than technology and science. He believed his stories were more about the impact of technology on society and individuals rather than the technology itself. Bradbury preferred the term "fantasy" to describe his work.

When did Ray Bradbury start writing?

Ray Bradbury began writing in his youth, but he gained recognition as a writer in the 1940s when his stories started appearing in various science fiction magazines. His first published work, "Hollerbochen's Dilemma," debuted in 1938.

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Is The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Sci Fi?

The Lottery would fall in that broad grey area that separates Science Fiction from regular fiction.It all comes down to how you define science fiction:Hard science fiction: Inclusion of the physical sciences: physics, chemistry, biology, nuclear science, astrophysics etc. In this case The Lottery would not be science fiction.Soft science fiction: Exploitation of the humanities: sociology, anthropology, Law, etc. In this case The Lottery could be considered Science Fiction.Interpolation and extrapolation. In this case The Lottery could be science fiction if it were constrained to the realm of soft science fiction."What If" Easily science fiction as no great 'forgiveness' for scientific deviations are made in this story."Utopia / Dystopia" Yes easily science fiction."Gadgetry Science Fiction" no.Science Fiction is that body of work to which we point when referencing the genera. I'm sure that there are many people who would be willing to include the Lottery as science fiction.

How does science fiction work?

Science fiction starts with "What if?" A writer thinks of a situation where something out of the ordinary happens such as a cell phone virus rewriting brain patterns and then adding characters to act this out.

Who is Asimov?

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What is John Scalzi known for?

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