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Unbolt the front door.

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Peter was careless and left a door open in the warehouse, allowing Mr. Kraler's cat to escape. This angered Mr. Kraler because the sound of the cat's bell could have alerted someone to the hiding place of the annex residents.

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Q: What did peter do to make kraler livid with the secret annex people?
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Why is Kraler livid with the Annexers?

Kraler is livid with the Annexers because they are being too loud and risky, jeopardizing the safety of everyone in hiding. He is concerned that their behavior could attract attention from the outside, endangering the secret annex.

Why was kraler livid with the annexers in April 1944 in anne frank?

Mr. Kraler was livid with the annexers in April 1944 in "Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl" because they failed to adhere to the strict rules of the annex, jeopardizing everyone's safety. His anger was fueled by the annexers' conflicts and lack of discipline, which put their hiding place at risk of being discovered by the Nazis.

Is Livid a country?

No, there is no country called "Livid." Livid is an adjective meaning extremely angry.

When was The Livid Flame created?

The Livid Flame was created in 1914.

How do you use the word livid in a sentence?

(Livid means either discolored, as from bruising, or flushed, as in anger.)There was a large, livid mark on her arm from her fall onto the stone floor.The referee missed the call, and the coach was livid about it.

What is the duration of Livid film?

The duration of Livid - film - is 1.55 hours.

How do you use livid in a sentence?

I was very livid after I found out I failed math class.

When was Livid - film - created?

Livid - film - was created on 2011-12-07.

What is a sentence than contains the word livid?

She was livid with anger when she found out about the betrayal.

When was Livid - Blondie album - created?

Livid - Blondie album - was created on 2000-04-25.

Do livid and pleased mean the same thing?

Not at all. "Livid" means red. A person is usually described as livid because they are so angry that their skin has reddened from increased blood pressure. So if you overhear, "I told my father that the car was wrecked and he was livid", Daddy was not pleased at all. He was furious.

What does the word livid livid mean?

"Livid" can have two meanings. It can describe someone who is extremely angry or furious. It can also refer to a bluish-purple discoloration of the skin caused by bruising or lack of oxygen.