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Stevenson was a celebrity in his own time, but with the rise of modern literature after World War I, he was seen for much of the 20th century as a writer of the second class, relegated to children's literature and horror genres.[52] Condemned by authors such as Virginia and Leonard Woolf, he was gradually excluded from the canon of literature taught in schools.[52] His exclusion reached a height when in the 1973 2,000-page Oxford Anthology of English Literature Stevenson was entirely unmentioned; and the Norton Anthology of English Literature excluded him from 1968 to 2000 (1st-7th editions), including him only in the 8th edition (2006).[52] The late 20th century saw the start of a re-evaluation of Stevenson as an artist of great range and insight, a literary theorist, an essayist and social critic, a witness to the colonial history of the Pacific Islands, and a humanist.[52] Even as early as 1965 the pendulum had begun to swing: he was praised by Roger Lancelyn Green, one of the Oxford Inklings, as a writer of a consistently high level of "literary skill or sheer imaginative power" and a co-originator with H. Rider Haggard of the Age of the Story Tellers.[53] He is now being re-evaluated as a peer of authors such as Joseph Conrad (whom Stevenson influenced with his South Seas fiction) and Henry James, with new scholarly studies and organizations devoted to Stevenson.[52] No matter what the scholarly reception, Stevenson remains very popular around the world. According to the Index Translationum, Stevenson is ranked the 25th most translated author in the world, ahead of fellow nineteenth-century writers Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde and Edgar Allan Poe.[54]

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Robert Louis Stevenson was a prominent Scottish novelist best known for works such as "Treasure Island" and "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde." His writings entertained and captivated Victorian audiences with their thrilling plots and exploration of moral dilemmas. Stevenson's ability to blend adventure, mystery, and character depth made him a significant contributor to Victorian literature.

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there is a lot of famous people like Barack Obama, Abraham Lincoln, Daniel radcliff, Robert Louis stevenson, and a 100 more! barck Obama became famous by being a president! also Abraham Lincoln who died. Robert loius stevenson became famous by being a author and writing treasure island. Daniel radcliff became famous by practicing to be a actor and play in the movie Harry Potter.

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