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i believe that roald dahls target audience was anyone from youge children to young adults. His books and plays are performed and loved by a wide range of people at all different ages. as well as people who were not intended to be targeted. i think that iso what makes him so unnique because he was the one person that could reach everyone with his work without nessesaserily trying to.

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12y ago
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5mo ago

Roald Dahl wanted to be a writer when he grew up. He went on to become a successful author, writing many popular Children's Books such as "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," "Matilda," and "The BFG."

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11y ago

well roald Dahl wanted to become an officer in the war and he managed to become one

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13y ago

Some goals Roald Dahl had were to work in different countries.

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Roald Dahl was born in Cardiff, Wales.Roald Dahl came from smethick.

Did Roald Dahl Always Want To Be A Author?

No, Roald Dahl originally wanted to be a pilot but ended up becoming an author after World War II. Dahl's experiences during the war, as well as his imaginative storytelling abilities, influenced his decision to pursue a career in writing.

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Roald Dahl was born on September 13, 1916, in Llandaff, South Wales

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His father died in 1920 when Roald was 3-4 and his mother died later when Roald was grown up

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Why did Roald Dahl sign up with the royal air force?

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