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She went to farm to do some work to do , so she can get some food to eat

ACTUALLY YOUR WRONG....Juana went to go try and throw the pearl back into the water. (throw away the pearl) After that, Kino found out and followed her and beat and kicked her.
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3mo ago

In John Steinbeck's "The Pearl," Juana is described as a young, dark-haired woman with strong arms and shoulders. She is depicted as a loving and caring wife to the protagonist, Kino, and a devoted mother to their son, Coyotito.

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Q: What did Juana in the pearl look like?
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What did the beggars know about the doctor and about Juana and Kino?

The beggars knew that the doctor refused to treat Coyotito because Kino and Juana could not pay him. They also knew that Kino and Juana's pearl discovery had attracted attention and that they were seeking a better life.

Who is following kino and Juana in the pearl?

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Did juana want kino to stop trying to sell the pearl?

Juana wanted kino to throw it back into the ocean.

Is Juana a static or dynamic character in the pearl?

Juana is a dynamic character in "The Pearl" as she undergoes a transformation throughout the story. Initially, she is depicted as a supportive and devoted wife to Kino, but as the plot progresses, she becomes more assertive and willing to challenge societal norms to protect her family.

What is the doctor like in the book the pearl?

He is Greedy and will not take care of the baby when kino and Juana need him to, he poisons the baby to get Money.

What ar kino and juana's occupation?

Similarity: Both are nurturing parents. For example, when Coyotito got stung, Juana makes a poultice of herbs to stop the swelling while Kino smashes the scorpion because it bit Coyotitto. Differences: Kino thinks the pearl represents all good things but Juana thinks its evil

The Pearl who finds the pearl by the path?

In John Steinbeck's novel "The Pearl," Kino is the main character who finds the valuable pearl. It symbolizes hope and dreams for a better life for him and his family. However, the pearl ultimately brings tragedy and destruction to their lives.

When does Juana first suggest that the pearl is evil?

Juana first suggests that the pearl is evil after Kino desires to keep the pearl instead of immediately selling it. She begins to feel a sense of foreboding and believes that the pearl's presence brings hardship and unhappiness to their family.

How did juana charcter change after finding the pearl?

Juana's character became more assertive and protective of her family after finding the pearl. She demonstrated resilience and strength in the face of the challenges brought on by the pearl, becoming more willing to stand up for herself and her loved ones.

What happens during the night at Kino and Juana's hut in chapter 4?

In Chapter 4 of "The Pearl," Kino and Juana's hut is attacked by a group of men searching for the pearl. Kino fights off the attackers, but he is wounded, and their home is left in ruins. This event marks a turning point in the story, setting Kino and Juana on a dangerous path as they try to protect their family and the pearl.

Why is it important to Juana that Kino be the one to throw the pearl back into the sea in the book the pearl?

He was the one that found the pearl and brought them what felt like a curse. She blamed him for their tragedy so she wanted to him take it in his own hands to get rid of that curse.

Who is coyotito in The Pearl?

coyotito is the son of kino and juana he gets stung by the scorpion